Sprint(ing) 2 Deliver

*Note* If you have not read my first post regarding this robot project, I highly suggest you do so for some background information!

On October 5th, our team, Notorious E.N.G. must have the deliverables for sprint 2 complete. What is a sprint, you ask? I can assure you that sprints in this class most definitely do not involve strenuous physical activity. In reality, our overarching project has been split into separate chunks of tasks, called sprints, in order to make the project more manageable.

The sprint 2 requirements, assigned to us by “NASA”, can be found here. In summary, we must properly wire and charge a battery, connect the battery to the fuse block, properly wire the kill switch, regulate the power output to 5V, connect all devices to a power source, have the robot move forward 3 meters, have a servo move to a specified angle, read two distances, have a motor run indefinitely until a bump sensor is triggered, have a temperature probe calibrated, and have a working prototype of the anemometer probe.

As far as team dynamics go, we have found that splitting into multiple small teams will help us be most effective. With the aid of the messaging application Slack, each team can have a separate messaging channel that everybody has access to. I personally am helping with the programming aspects of the robot. Other teams include electrical/wiring and mechanical/prototype building.

Click through pictures below to see our progress!


Until next time,


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